Tuesday, April 13, 2010

hail storm

so today after work my friend asked me if i wanted to help him walk his dog well not so much as help as just walk besides him anyways i said yes and after mom froced him to come into the house(i made him bring his dog in also) we started on our walk it was a little cold but not really bad but then started the hail it started off small and we soon decided to turn around at which time the hail increaced a lot so we tried to walk home as quickly as possible it was quite the adventure and i am conviced if we were to have continued walking something bad like us getting mugged would have happeded to us so in a way the hail was a good thing


  1. Oh, I love knowing these things about you!!

  2. I know you've not enjoyed my blog because I don't talk about my family so I started a new one you can follow. http://carlsonconfessionsofchaos.blogspot.com
